outback to jungle

Musings on experiences of volunteering in Papua New Guinea with some gratuitous domestic social and public comment

Monday, November 20, 2006

In a marriage there is an expectation of trust.

When one partner tells the other, "I don't trust you", then the marriage is over because "I don't trust you" does not mean the same as "Yes, but honey, you trust me to bring in an income each week don't you and you trust me to provide a house for our family don't you?"
This was the distinction that PM Howard took to the last election. We voted him in on the second distinction but not the first.
PM Howard tells the voters how he loves this country. The adulterer philanderer also tells his wife how much he loves her. If he loves her, would he lie to her and cheat on her? If PM Howard loved his people like he says he does, then why would he lie about the GST and children overboard and the reason for invading Iraq? Why would he need to turn the concept of TRUST around to the second distinction which means expect rather than trust?
Real lovers do not need to mouth the words. Their actions give them away as lovers. Words are cheap.


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