I went to the Show to set up on Friday
for about 3 hours and then I went back on Saturday morning about 6.30am until about 3.30pm. Then yesterday was our big patronal festival at Church. I went to the PMV stop about 7.30 and there was a crowd there then so I began to wonder about getting into town. Anyway the PMV driver waved me around to his door and got me up front next to him. Normally I would not have accepted the favouritism as I prefer to be treated like the locals but it was an important day for the Church so I thought this makes up for all the other times when I have been pushed aside by the queue jumpers. Then on the way out of Top Town Bus Cru waved me up front next to him which again I accepted.
As for the show there were huge crowds down Markham Road in front of the show ground and on the Saturday when I left there I wondered what I would do if I could not get a bus to Unigate from Eriku. Everything worked out well. Our stall had good help from the Lae City Mission boys. As for our patronal festival, I couldn't stay for the after Church festivities and cultural displays but the Church service with many of the congregation in bilas was fascinating and reverent.
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