I think the new google blogger
is having some problems. It took twelve or so attempts to post this picture of Matt before it finally took and I can't work out why it insists in publishing it in duplicate - print one , get one free or something.
Concerning the Bibles for Guns article, I was talking to one of the Salvo guys last night and he said one of the guys handing in his weapons told him "OK, now we have done the right thing and handed in our weapons, how are we going to feed our families if we have no work?"
I have never walked in the moccasins of someone who has had to rob in order to feed his family. The problem of unemployment is bigger than what the Salvos have resources for and it is a national government issue. What is the government going to do about it? So many people have moved out of villages where there are traditional foods and lifestyle and are living in settlements on the fringes of the big cities. This is a big big problem.
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