what do most people believe in
if the minority believes in fairness, justice, integrity, honesty? Self interest, family, jealousy, looking after themselves, the status quo, not rocking the boat, someone else will do it, someone else' troubles are the responsibility of the Church or government or Salvos or Vinnies, they alone have rights, everyone else has responsibilities, results of your hard work ought to be redistributed to them, if you're a worker you're being overpaid, if their children are workers they are being underpaid, you will organise and supervise their children at Junior Sport, nurses are overpaid, nursing homes are too expensive, child care is too expensive, government should pay for more nursing homes and child care centres, nurses should wipe their bum and clean their vomit for less than the basic wage, nurses and policemen should work Christmas Day at regular rates not penalty rates, do-gooders ought to ask someone else for mid-winter homeless appeals, every other driver is an idiot and ought to have their vehicles removed fronm the road, they shouldn't pay taxes, you should pay taxes.
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